THEATRE INCLUDES: Bedlam, Henry IV Part I & II,As You Like It,A New World (Globe); Romeo and Juliet
(Globe/UK Tour); Shraddha, Piranha Heights, Legacy (Soho); The Little Prince (Hampstead); Chatroom
Citizenship (National/Hong Kong Arts Festival); I Like Mine with a Kiss (Bush); Market Boy (National);The
Rise & Fall of Little Voice (Harrogate),‘Low Dat (Birmingham Rep.);The Dark of Moon (King’s Head).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: Holby City, Eastenders, Judge John Deed, Canterbury Tales,William & Mary, Bad
Girls, Being April, Doctors, Mile High, Serious & Organised, The Bill, Lloyd & Hill, Casualty, Grange Hill,
Plotlands, Blackhearts in Battersea.
FILM INCLUDES: Life & Lyrics, Hush Your Mouth,Anne Frank.
RADIO INCLUDES:Marnie,Five Wedding Dresses – The Rescue,Needle,The Chronicles of Narnia,Secrets,
The Third Trial,The Mother of …,The Family Man,The Birds,Arcadia,What Is She Doing Here?,The Day the
Planes Came,Westway.