In Return Of... by it’s better outside
it’s better outside is a collective of artists attempting to create work beyond the institution who believe their only use is to create and facilitate joy. Curated by Aaron, Benin, Elete, Esme and Isabelle.
In Return Of… is a digital cycle of artistic offerings where people name what gives them joy as well as providing an artistic response to what someone else has named. These responses can be in any form: images, audio, video or text.
it’s better outside have also created a zine that will be distributed digitally and physically, to enable others to initiate similar cycles, in their own ways, beyond the website.
They are initiating a sense of sharing that relies on reciprocity, there for those who would like to put something into the world and know that it will be held.
To participate, go to It is an ongoing project, so feel free to engage at any point. The theme will change each month.